1.Simple moisturizing facial wash. I have nothing but great things to say about number 1 and 2 and the brand itself.I love this face wash i will definitely keep using it and i couldn't really see my self switching to something else it is so light and like it says, works for sensitive skin. I started out a couple years ago using pro active, I didn't really have acne per say i was just live every other teenager and had the odd break out once i started using it, it worked great when i used it everyday but as soon as i stopped using it i would break out, it was like my skin would get too used to it and when it didn't have pro active fighting off the bacteria that causes acne breakouts my skin wasn't able to handle and protect itself on it's own, but long story short i would use it, stop using it, break out. I then found simple, well i didn't find it my mom got me the face wash and toner :D I would use it when i needed it, it would work keeping my skin clean, soft and break out free. When i wasn't able to use it or just chose not to use it because i did not want my skin to NEED it everyday my skin would still stay blemish free, it doesn't smell bad it feels nice while you are washing your face with it and it lasts quite a while as well i usually put a little dab on my index finger apply with cold water and that's enough and leaves my skin feeling great. , i really don't think i have anything bad to say about this product which is why i continue using it. My current bottle is now running out i am not just squeezing out the last bit until i get myself more :D and i will be definitely purchasing this one again and would recommend it to someone who gets a few blemishes here and there but does not want to use something to harsh or strong on the skin for acne, or someone who has sensitive skin, or is sensitive to products. I have combination skin my t-zone appears oily and my jaw line tends to get dry and this doesn't react bad with my dry or oily spots i am not sure if it helps either but it does not make my skin more oily or more dry.
2.Simple soothing facial toner. Another simple product i wanted to add a toner to my skin care routine and because i loved the simple face wash so much it seemed natural to start to use the simple toner along with the simple face wash. To purchase anything from the Simple skin care line you can pick it up at your local Walmart or drugstore. If Walmart does not have it in shock, you can always pick it up on the Walmart Website <
3.St. Ives apricot scrub. I started using the St. Ives scrub as a lip scrub when i exfoliate my lips a twice a week and recently started using it to exfoliate my whole body twice a week, and i have been noticing my skin is a lot softer my boyfriend points out how soft i feel a lot more than usual since i have been exfoliating. If you have not been exfoliating with your skin care regime, i strongly recommend you start i'm telling you, you will notice such a difference in how soft your skin is, and if you have not done it in a while or at all your skin needs it. A few years ago i was walking by this skin care stand it the mall and this gorgeous Italian girl calls me over and asks me if i wanted to sample a product the product she chose was their exfoliator and their magic scrub she has a little bowl of water ans starts scrubbing my hand and arms, I wasn't really paying attention when she says ''shame on you, have you not been exfoliating'' and there is like a horrible amount of dry skin everywhere in the bowl and on my skin, and i just always remembered that so if you haven't been really snap to it, it will make a huge difference in how your skin feels. If you are looking for a good inexpensive exfoliator i checked the Walgreens Website < and they have some pretty awesome deals a 10oz Jar of this was only 4.11. I didn't see anything on the Walgreens website from St. Ives that was over 4.99. Walmart which i would have thought would have also carried this did not have the Exfoliator on the Walmart website, but they did have some great priced lotions that may be good to try.
4. Olay age defying anti-wrinkle daily SPF lotion. When it comes to creams/lotions Olay is the king and queen in my mind, you guys may think i'm crazy when i say this as i am only 20 but a few months ago before i turned 20 :S i was being a little bit of a spazz when i noticed that the lines when i smile looked very defined. I decided i needed some anti wrinkle cream. I figured even though I am only 20, i really feel like it is a lot better to prevent rather than to hide or get rid of later on anyways...I got the lotion and it either worked or i realized i wasn't wrinkled :D either way it's good news.5. Biotherm age delaying hand & nail treatment
In the winter my hands are BRUTALLY dry so for Valentines day my sweet and well listening boyfriend wanted to get me a really great hand cream instead of being typical and getting a 5$ box of chocolates he got me a 30$ hand cream so others might have been like ''he got you hand cream and red bull?'' when if reality it show how amazing he listens and knows me. Back to the hand cream literally the best hand cream i have ever used when i started using it, my hand pretty much instantly stopped looking all flaky and horrible or at least by that week and i did not have to continuously apply 30 times a day for them to stay moisturized like the creams and lotions i was using before, it did not leave my hand sticky or yucky feeling as though there was something left on them and that alone for me means a great hand cream. Thumbs up for biotherm. If you would like to purchase the Biotherm hand cream or would like to try out this one you can find it on the biotherm > website < Or at your local Shoppers drug mart beauty boutique [where mine was purchased] Or The Bay 6. Solutions plus+ ageless results eye cream
The eye cream i don't really have to much to say about I purchased it from Avon's Solutions line of products it has a very think creamy consistency it does not noticeably smell bad when i apply it but it does not have a nice scent either, they did not add a specific scent to it, it just smells like scentless cream but it does have a smell to it but not on purpose it just has the smell of the cream with no added perfume to scent it, the 15 ml jar i can see lasting quite a while because i usually just touch the top of the cream and that is enough for my whole eye. I don't think i would purchase this again because i am not sure there is anything specifically special about it i prefer olay, but it isn't horrible to where i would stop using it throw it away it feels nice going on it does not irritate my eyes i does not burn my eyes or anything like that i think i will continue to use but don't adore it enough to re purchase. 7.Anew clinical absolute even multi-tone skin corrector I had gotten this my fluke a friend of mine ordered it and accidentally ordered 2 so i ended up with one. The packaging is pretty nice the over all packaging looks like it is a very expensive high-end cream the cream itself is boxed and the box is wrapped in protective plastic the bottle i have is a 30g one for 34.99 it is supposed to work for skin discoloration spots, blotchy red patches, post acne marks, brown patches, uneven skin tone, freckles and sallowness it claims to work for even your skins darkest discolorations. I haven't been using this one long enough to vouch for whether or not that is true, because i use this one in the early day usually to moisturize a little before applying makeup when my olay anti wrinkle isn't in the makeup bag i have open. It goes on nice it feels refreshing and nice on the skin but the smell to this one is definitely noticeable when i am applying it, it does not have an perfume scent to it which i don't think i would want any perfume on my face so i would say that is a good thing but again it just has that scentless cream smell I am not sure if many of you will know what i mean when i say that, but it isn't a type smell you can really describe other than saying a cream without a scent added this once unlike the solutions is though noticeable when applying it smells similar to the solutions but the solutions probably because i am just applying it to my eyes i don't notice the smell as much when i am putting it on i wouldn't have noticed the smell at all if i hadn't purposely smelled it, the only other con i have with this one is because it is not as sensitive as an eye cream if you get it a little to close to your eyes it is a little irritating when i first started using it i noticed my eyes would burn afterwards not a searing pain more of just an annoying eye burn but because it is not an eye cream i just had to learn not to get it in my eyes since i knew this and watched it hadn't happened so other than the smell and getting it too close to the eyes it is pretty nice, some pros are it does leave your skin feeling really nice and soft even after your first couple times using this you will notice your skin feeling very soft, also it drys right away and does leave your face feeling sticky, even though the cream itself drys quickly it still leaves your skin moisturized and free from the dryness you had before applying. overall it is a great replacement or substitute for when i don't have my usually morning lotion. You can purchase this from Avon for 34.99. 8. Moisture therapy Daily skin defense Body lotion for everyday dry skin This one i just use for my legs and body just when dry or after i jump out of the shower i used to use Aveeno and lately i have been using this one because i have been traveling and this was the one i packed, i will keep using this one i don't feel the need to switch my skin is really sensitive to lotions with perfume and my legs dry out a lot and easily, a lot of lotions i use which i believe is because of the perfume leaves my skin really itchy and irritated, also i really dislike using a cream that takes forever to dry and just leaves my skin sticky until it drys and this lotion does not do that and when i find a good body lotion that works, leaves my skin hydrated without leaving it itchy, sticky or make me have to re apply too many times i stick to it so i will keep using this one. I like this lines body lotions but do not like their hand cream i had gotten one of their hand creams and it is really sticky does not feel good on the hands at all so because of that experience i thought i wouldn't like the lotion either but i was wrong i like this one a lot this also can be purchased from Avon
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